Alhadas pelo mundo fora...

Alhadas, a minha terra

Já que a nossa terra está tão mal representada a nível de descrição e em outras linguas estrangeiras, decidi postar aqui este trabalho que faz parte também, juntamente com a minha última postagem, de uma série de trabalhos para a cadeira de Inglês V. Espero que gostem!Carina

Living with Nature

The oldest references to Alhadas date back to the XI Century. A land of fertile and pleasant fields has attracted since the millenarian times the settlement of man.
The toponymic origin of Alhadas has several versions. First, the name is related to the Arabic word “Alheda”, that means limit, or “hadda” that means to finish, to end. Or, there has existed an alliance among Alhadas, the enclosures of Maiorca and Quiaios, two neighbouring populations, in order to obtain a more efficient defence against the Arabic attacks, and which would have been designated by “Alliadas”. By linguistic corruption the term became Alhadas.
This town has had its moments of honour and glory. It was considered an enclosure by the monarchy, a land that wasn´t obliged to pay its duties because it belonged to a nobleman; D. Manuel I, the 14th King of Portugal (1495-1521), attributed to Alhadas the title of charter – this was a certificate granted by the King, containing rules that were applied to the inhabitants and its landlord, in 23rd August 1514. It was also a villa and head of county.
Alhadas gave birth to some important people and symbols like “Mestre Alhadas”, sculptor and image maker, and Mário Augusto, painter. Nowadays the washerwomen and the baker women are its symbols.
Alhadas became a town in 1989, when it reached the highest point of local development. In it most recent history, as a curiosity, Alhadas was documented as a hideout for many of those who looked for freedom at the time of Salazar´s dictatorship. Álvaro Cunhal, for example, was lodged at the time in a house of an ex-companion of the army.
For me, Alhadas is very important because although it is not the land where I live, it is the town where I grew up and in which I have many friends. I live nearby, 2 miles away, in a village belonging to Alhadas so it is not strange that I maintain my personal relationships there, not only because it is the nearest place where I can take a coffee or hang out with my friends but also because it is the head of the town and the public services are all concentrated there.
Though I have been distant for quite a long time because I study outside the county, I am always surprised with the view from the Serra das Alhadas when I come back at the weekend. When I start to go down, I always look upon the vastness of the forest that I can see well beyond the limits of the town. In that green sea, I always notice little spots - several localities almost swallowed by the vegetation. As I come down, I return to reality again. Everything becomes more evident. Passing by the local church, where I had 4 years of Catholic education, I arrive quickly at the centre of the town, where there are some of its most important symbols like for example, two associations that promote the practice of several activities: theatre, sports, bands, ethnographic dance groups, e.g.
One of the associations is very important because not only is one of the oldest ones of the country (151 years old) but also because it has international representation through its band. It is called Sociedade Boa União Alhadense and it was where I met many of my current friends.
Then if I look to my right side I come across the house where the genuine and famous Alhadas cakes are made. They are still made traditionally in a firewood oven, in which they are baked having the cinders around them so that the oven does not lose the heat. I still remember when I was in secondary school, me and my colleagues collected some money and one of us went to D. Leonor, the baker woman, to buy some cakes to eat when we had classes until 6 o´clock in the afternoon. Those were quite nice days!
Regarding the nightlife, besides the activities offered by the associations, there are two bars. One holds live concerts, helping the marketing of unknown bands. The other promotes live dj sets. Both bet on the atmosphere that these shows create, because they can bring there not only the inhabitants but also people from the surroundings like Figueira for example.
In September, the population of Alhadas shows its traditional culture. It is in fact one of the biggest ethnographic parades that takes place in all of the county of Figueira da Foz. The local government had the idea and the population supported it by showing the former habits and traditions. The parade takes place along the main street of the town, displaying many ornamented cars and wagons followed by walkers-on. The corn, its beautiful green fields, the water wheels that power the millstone, the vineyard and wine, the shoemaker, the tailor, the farmer´s stove and the rag and bone woman are just some of the representations of the activities and professions that existed in the town. Then, after the end of the parade, the participants and the audience get together in a large open air space full of tents, separated by each small village represented in the parade, and on which they serve food to those who want to eat and drink. In front of the tents a stage is set to play music and do ethnographic shows.
But what pleases me the most in Alhadas is its peace and tranquillity. Nothing happens and for that reason it is an escape from the confusion, pollution and noise of the big cities. I am still in contact with pure nature and that gives me, I think, a better level of life. It spreads some kind of magic especially for those who just want a nice and quiet place to live.

 Fonte: A Toca da Grila

Este Apeadeiro faz parte da Ferróvia do Ramal da Figueira da Foz, Ferróvia esta que se encontra com a circulação suspensa desde 5 de Janeiro de 2009. O Ramal da Figueira da Foz é uma ferrovia situada no centro-oeste de Portugal. Liga a estação de Figueira da Foz (que é também término da Linha do Oeste) à estação de Pampilhosa (na intersecção da Linha do Norte com a Linha da Beira Alta), numa distância total de 50,4 km. Inclui o túnel de Alhadas, com 519 m.Este ramal fazia inicialmente parte da Linha da Beira Alta, tendo sido oficialmente diferenciado desta última na década de 1990; a continuidade da via, permitindo a passagem nos dois troços sem inversão de marcha na Pampilhosa, havia sido eliminada muito antes.Este ramal começou a ser construído em 10 de Agosto de 1880, mais tarde do que a Linha da Beira Alta, que iniciou a sua construção em 3 de Outubro de 1878, mas foi inaugurado na mesma data. A Companhia dos Caminhos-de-Ferro da Beira Alta foi a empresa construtora, cabendo ao técnico francês Duparchy a orientação dos trabalhos.Construído numa só fase, este ramal foi inaugurado em 3 de Agosto de 1882, conjuntamente com a Linha da Beira Alta, da qual fazia parte, e contou com a presença de El-Rei D. Luís e da família real na viagem inaugural entre a Figueira da Foz e Vilar Formoso.